The Pirate Code of Captain Bartholomew Roberts is one of the best surviving examples of the Articles of Agreement put together by pirates. Roberts success in capturing over 400 ships in a three year time period might be as a result of the discipline instilled into the men by this strict code, which helped to keep the running of the ship smooth and fair, to avoid mutiny, and prevent other problems on board the ship. He probably based the articles on those of his predecessor Howell Davis.
Here follows the substance Robert’s Articles as given by Captain Johnson’s A General history of the Pyrates (1724). Old and incorrect spellings, original punctuation, and the capitalization of nouns has been retained:
I. Every Man has a Vote vote in Affairs of Moment; has equal Title to the fresh Provisions, or strong Liquors, at any Time seized, and may use them at pleasure, unless a Scarcity (no uncommon Thing among them) makes it necessary, for the good of all, to vote a Retrenchment;
II. Every man to be called fairly in turn, by List, on Board of Prizes, because (over and above their proper Share,) they were on these Occasions allowed a shift of cloaths: But if they defrauded the Company to the Value of a Dollar, in Plate, Jewels, or Money, MAROONING was their Punishment. If the Robbery was only between one another, they contented themselves with slitting the Ears and Nose of him that was Guilty, and set him on Shore, not on an uninhabited Place, but somewhere, where he was sure to encounter Hardships;
III: No Person to Game at Cards or Dice for money;
IV. The Lights and Candles to be put out at eight o’Clock at Night: If any of the Crew, after that Hour, still remained inclined for Drinking, they were to do it on the open Deck;
V. To keep their Piece, Pistols, and Cutlash clean, and fit for Service;
VI. No Boy or Woman to be allowed amongst them. If any Man were sound seducing anny of the latter Sex, and carried her to Sea, disguised, he was to suffer Death.
VII. To Desert the Ship, or their Quarters Battle, was punished with Death, or Marooning.
VIII. No striking one another on Board, but every Man’s Quarrels to be ended on Shore, at Sword or Pistol;
IX. No Man to talk of breaking up their Way of Living, till each had shared a 1,000 l. If in order to this, any Man should lose a Limb, or become a cripple in their Service, he was to have 800 Dollars, out of the publick Stock, and for lesser Hurts, proportionably.
X. The Captain and Quarter-Master to receive two shares of a Prize, the Master, Boatswain, and Gunner, one hare and a half, and other Officers, one and a Quarter.
XI. The musicians to have Rest on the Sabbath Day, but the other six Days and Nights, none without special Favour.